Sunday, July 14, 2013

Day ???+1: Female Thigh Re-do

Hey remember the other day when I thought I was basically done with my armor but I said the N7 female thighs were a little funny, but oh well they worked ok.  Well......I finally had a chance to put on my entire suit of armor, and OMG the thighs looked stupid once we had them all strapped into the various places that they needed to be strapped.  They puckered, they didn't wrap around as far as I wanted, ect....  I didn't manage to take a pic of the front but here is a pic of the back and you can see the butt is not in the right place.  And trust me the front is worse.
Also, remember way back on my very first blog post when I said I wasn't sure about if I wanted N7 Legs or Hanhe-Kedar legs?  Well screw it!  Even though this is the LAST weekend before comic-con, and even though we don't have any weapons yet and we were going to do that all weekend, we figured let's just make Hanhe-Kedar Thighs (the shins are pretty much the same).  Hahaha.  So talk about 11th hour change ups!  Well the good news is these are super simpler.

We did not have a pattern, so we just took a picture of my Shepard wearing her thigh armor, then loaded that picture up onto our projector and cut out the approximate shape.
Then we glued them together to make a little 3 sided box, then we started gluing on details.
Thankfully we were able to just take the straps and the detail pieces holding on the straps, and unglue them from the first thighs and re-glue them to these.  So actually these didn't take too long and I am pretty pleased with the result. 
I am also hoping it will be easier to sit down with these new thighs since they are only in the front and do not wrap around to the back.

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